According to the SBA, small businesses accounted for 67% of new American jobs created since the beginning of the 2009 recession. These small businesses are crucial to our own community which is why many agencies are devoted to helping successfully grow Stillwater small businesses.
Wednesday, on Oct. 24, local service providers are pooling their resources for the Fourth Annual Small Business Conference. I’m most impressed with the array of topics being offered and the heavy hitters of the local business education world who will be speaking. Every attendee will leave the conference with a new vision for growing their business. Topics and speakers include:
· Importance of Networking-Kyle Eastham, business owner
· Using Paypal - Dr. Brian Whitacre, OSU
· Introduction to Social Media & Strategic Planning for Social Media - Mandy Gross, Communications Services Manager, Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center
· Choosing the Right Business Structure - Attorney & Accounting Professor Monika Turek
· Advanced Social Media & Evaluating Your Social Media Efforts - Megan Horton, OSU Communication Services
· Visual Displays - Dr. Cosette Armstrong, OSU
The event will be held at the library and runs from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration is $25 and includes lunch. To register, go to or contact Suzette Barta at 405-747-8320.
While you are at the conference, stop by the library’s small business center to check out material on a wide-variety of business issues including some of our latest titles like:

· Grow your handmade business by Kari Chapin