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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Getting Gadgets? by Jeanna

 Getting gadgets? If your Christmas list includes technology, then we have some books for you.  Oh sure, you will probably get an owner’s guide with that brand new iPad or laptop.  But really, having recently faced a new laptop that runs Windows 8, I can highly recommend something much more understandable like

“Windows 8 Simplified” by Paul McFedries.  If all else fails, I don’t even have to know that much about what exactly I need to know, I can just look at the pictures, using them as a visual index.

The Dummies series is useful too, especially if you are just getting started.  Among many other Dummies titles, I found “Laptops and Tablets for Seniors or Dummies” by Nancy Muir to be particularly helpful.

If you don’t really know the difference between a laptop and a desktop or a laptop and a tablet, this book is for you. With two chapters on safety and security, and one on getting help with vision and hearing challenges, this book is thorough and well organized. The print also appears to be slightly larger than normal, another plus for older readers.
And speaking of font size, have you discovered the joys of e-reading?  Unlike a hardcover book, my Kindle graciously allows me to make the letters bigger as the day goes on and my eyes start to tire.  If, on the other hand, Santa brings a Nook to your house, thank him; then visit our library for “The Nook Book: an unofficial guide,” by Patrick Kanouse.  

For iPad owners, I recommend “How to Do Everything iPad,” by Joli Ballew

Master the iPad and you can master your life, apparently. At the very least you’ll be able to “Manage Your Schedule” (Chapter 13) and “Find a Nearby Restaurant and Walk to It” (Chapter 14, “Use Maps”). 
If you’re worried about technology, particularly the Internet, mastering you and your family, then “Raising Digital Families for Dummies” Amy Bair may be for you. 

Filled with practical advice about some of modern parenting’s hottest topics, this book is a welcome addition to our library collection. 

All it takes to share in our collection is a valid library card--think of it as being on Santa’s Library’s Nice List.  Ask at the Help Desk for more recommended computer books.


  1. is this blog the same as spl newsletter?

    1. Sorry for the late response. No, the SPL newsletter comes out monthly and has different content. The Library Shelf blog is a weekly article written by library staff covering various topics about reading, books, and library programs.
