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Monday, July 18, 2011

Paperbacks: The Perfect Vacation Read by Andrea K.

Wanting to take a good library book with you on vacation, but you’ll be gone longer than two weeks? Why not check out a handful of our paperbacks? They are due back to the library only when you are done with them! Although you can renew your regular library books up to two times if no one is waiting on one, you never know when another patron might reserve a book and then- oops! You’ve got overdues!

Our paperback racks in the fiction area have a variety of novels, mysteries, thrillers, romance, science fiction, westerns and classics. You may have up to 15 out at a time. Our paperbacks come to us from generous donors, so if you would like to contribute, bring them on down to the Check Out desk, or place them on one of the donation carts located in either lobby. We pick out titles for our spinning racks and once the paperbacks have checked out a few times, they move on to the Friends of the Library sale which helps us raise money.

So consider checking out paperbacks the next time you’re traveling, and remember when it comes to our regular library books: 

If your books are due back in Stillwater before you,
fines might accrue if you can’t renew.
For if you’ve renewed twice,
we can’t let you do it thrice.
When others are waiting for the book to come back,
we can’t give you any slack.
So think before you take that book to the beach,
because fines might be within your reach!

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